5900 94th Ave.
Pinellas Park FL
Barn Phone:  (727) 545-4038

Emergency Contacts

CALL 9-1-1 first. Get help coming before you start tending to an emergency. We have a land telephone line in the tack room in case you don't have your cell phone handy.

POLICE - - - - - - -  9-1-1
We are protected by the Pinellas Park Police Department. With most emergency calls they can respond with-in 3 to 5 minutes.

FIRE DEPARTMENT - - - - - - -  9-1-1
We are protected by the Pinellas Park Fire Department. In most emergency calls they can respond with-in 3 to 5 minutes.

Tend to the emergency first, when you have a minute or two call Gail Larson to inform her of the situation.      
Cell # (727) 455-6658 , House # (727) 546-1371

Veterinarian - - - -  Please call your Vet for illnesses or injury to your horse.  

STABLE ADDRESS   - - - - - -  Be sure to give the proper address and type of emergency when making the call.